from securing foods and territory (e.g., the ruthless use of pesticides and herbicides as well as deforestation), leveraging available resources (e.g., industrialisation and domestication of animals), to eliminating potential risks (e.g., the culling of animals for fear of infectious disease out...
ravages of epidemics, the threat of internecine violence, warfare with neighboring communities, assault by invaders, collapse of leadership, decline of political systems, loss of religious faith, the fear of witchcraft, some combination of factors, or simply the promise of greener spiritual and materi...
when they were still hunter-gatherers. With the controlled use of fire, cooked food became possible, making it easier to chew and digest food. The human body adapted to the use of cooked food by reducing the size of the jaw and digestive tract and increasing the size of the...
Fear will replace greed. I provide nine reasons to be fearful. If something cannot go on forever, it will end. The questions are not if but when, and how bad.”
again,withnofearofbreakinganimportantserver.Ifyouusealocalvirtualmachine,there’sno downtimeforaserverrebuild;justre-runtheprovisioningonanewVM,andyou’rebackupand runninginminutes—withnohewiser. Vagrant³⁸,aserverprovisioningtool,andVirtualBox³⁹,alocalvirtualizationenvironment,make apotentcombinationfo...
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the “Going Direct Reset.” Fitts explains, “This is so simple at
This is a ridiculous fear and I’ll explain why – at least ridiculous for it to happen in even a thousand years. The WAIS concern is similarly flawed, but at least there is something there to work with and the Alarmists have a point about the ice being grounded below sea level. So ...
To the best of our knowledge, only one study investigated the effect of HAR on goat milk production [17], showing an impaired ejection of alveolar milk in goats that had received few contacts with humans. The results of this study highlight how fear of humans negatively affects the ...
Another decisive advantage of experience takes effect in the startup of new and unfamiliar, possibly even technically more difficult, parts (as distinct from changeovers to familiar parts): Experienced assembly workers do not know fear, but they have respect. They size up the challenge and see ...
Another decisive advantage of experience takes effect in the startup of new and unfamiliar, possibly even technically more difficult, parts (as distinct from changeovers to familiar parts): Experienced assembly workers do not know fear, but they have respect. They size up the challenge and see ...