When exposed to danger, creatures, even smaller ones, tend to crane their necks, enlarge their bodies, and increase their apparent size as a bluff, in order to appear more threatening and thereby deter predators. Additionally, after achieving victory, humans and other mammals tend to stretch ...
I felt they are not evil people…It is said that Michealangelo painted a picture of Moses with horns, I havn’t seen it. The horn(s) were a symbol of wisdom, strength, etc. back in those times. Many notable figures in history associated themselves with the positive attributes of the ...
Even before spaceflight was possible, the red dot in the night sky captured human fascination as reflected in stories. Throughouthuman history, Mars has been embraced in myths, religion, literature and cinema. It has been an icon for nations, a spot on the calendar, an erotic symbol, a god...
“The giant salmon carp is like a symbol of the Mekong region,” Chheana recently told The Associated Press. He was the co-writer with other researchers of a study announcing the findings in the publication Biological Conservation. Chheana said researchers had believed that the last confirmed si...
as a sort of a symbol for learning and TEDthat somehow gets you thinking of technology and nature,and puts it all together in things that are --that make this conference, I think, more important than anythat's taken place in this country in this decade.Thank you. (Applause) 这是一个...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the “Going Direct Reset.” Fitts explains, “This is so simple at
time2007a.html). It showed fairly correct orbits about a large central Sun for the four inner planets of our solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), and also showed three distinct open circular symbols for Mercury, Venus, and Mars; but failed to show anyopen circular symbol for ...