Both humans and cetaceans have large brains with an expanded and distinctively folded suce, the cortex.The cortex is the dominant association center of the brain, where abilities such as memory and sensory perception are centered.Cetaceans have larger brains than ours, but the ratio of brai...
relationships among prostasin, aldosterone and epithelial sodium channel activity Aya Koda1, Naoki Wakida2, Kazuhiro Toriyama1, Kazutoshi Yamamoto3, Hiromi Iijima4, Kimio Tomita2 and Kenichiro Kitamura2 Prostasin, a membrane-bound serine protease, is known to increase the activity of the epithelial so...
And then there’s the ice. We are supposedly melting the ice; the literature is filled with papers making this claim. These papers invariably whine about human activity warming the planet, but they never seem to get around to discussing how much energy is actually required, or how it gets ...
The graph above shows that in a low-emission scenario, the average warming of lakes is estimated to stabilize at 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels and the duration of ice cover to be 14 days shorter. In a high-emission world, these changes could lead lake temperature to increas...
Pre-humans lost the circular economy when they learned to control fire over one million years ago, when they were still hunter-gatherers. With the controlled use of fire, cooked food became possible, making it easier to chew and digest food. The human body adapted to the use of cooked ...
APPETIZER SOUP SALAD & DRESSING SANDWICHES & SPREADS SAUCES & MARINADES MAIN DISH DESSERT BREAKFAST FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH - A CASUAL READ If you want a healthier heart, brain and other organs and systems, the easiest way to that end is to eliminate all anima
We were two very similar hominid species, and it's tough to pinpoint the advantage Homo sapiens of the time had over the Neanderthals: We both seemed to thrive and grow our populations during the last ice age, for instance. And Neanderthals actually had larger brains than modern human...
Killer whales are expanding their territory and have moved into Arctic waters as climate change melts sea ice, with two genetically distinct populations being identified by Canadian scientists. But their study says that could have “severe consequences” for potential prey whales such as be...
lavishly illustrated and intricately designed one-of-a-kind lifestyle compendium from the editor in chief ofFaerie Magazineand author ofThe Faerie Handbookand globally published novelMermaid, packed with lore, legends, facts and trivia, beautiful illustrations, and numerous step-by-step projects and ...