This article analyzes and compares the news values constructed in the English news reporting from Chinese and US mainstream media around events concerning maritime security, revealing how the related events have been packaged and sold differently in the two societies, uncovering the discrepancies in Chin...
Last week our secondary students showcased their fantastic and creative answers to the philosophical question: “Our world 2023: are we the greatest generation?” in Humanities Week. Hosted by the Humanities department, YCIS Chongqing students designed a
Is Johns Hopkins University the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if Johns Hopkins University is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
Explore The Guide Today! Recent News We’ve Done It Before and We’ll Do It Again Dec192024 Dear Colleagues, As 2025 nears, I find myself reflecting on the past and looking ahead at what is to come in this pivotal moment for the arts and humanities in America. The stakes for arts.....
Oh, The Humanities! | The New RepublicRichmond Shreve
You’ve probably heard such reports. The number of college students majoring in the humanities (人文学科) is decreasing quickly. The news has caused a flood of high-minded essays criticizing the development as a symbol of American decline.
Is Simmons University the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if Simmons University is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
The discouraging fact is that for every college professor who made Shakespeare or Lawrence come alive for the lucky few, there were countless others who made the reading of literary masterpieces seem like two hours in the dentist's chair. ...
In contemporary China, sexual minorities (SMs) are still a marginalized community. Prior studies have accorded SMs a great deal of attention, but little research has been conducted on the representations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people in Chinese English-language news media. This artic...
California administered the Smarter Balanced and California Science Test to high school students. These figures display how well the school as a whole performed in reading, mathematics, and science. 100% 75% 50% 25% 0 100% 75% 50% 25% 0 ...