Given the lack of common and implementable ethical guidelines and standards in the context of humanitarian innovation, the literature calls for an ethical framework to ensure that stakeholders clearly identify ethical issues, guarantee the innovation’s respect for human dignity, clarify the level of in...
The Outlook for Humanitarian Values in the 21st CenturyHumanitarian Principles and Standards(RSQ) is published four times a year and serves as an authoritative source for current refugee and country information through a selection of articles, conference reports, documents, abstracts and bibliographies ...
e.g. ‘I couldn’t have done it because I was at my friend’s house’. As such, it is an excuse/explanation offered to avoid blame and to justify oneself. The term ‘humanitarian alibi’ refers to a similar phenomenon. Entering into the discourse in the 1990s, it is loosely...
and narrowly, to describe organizations, individuals or work that is premised on four key humanitarian principles derived from international humanitarian law: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. The specific interpretation and application of these four principles will differ depending on th...
Humanitarian aid is the assistance given to people in distress by individuals, organizations, or governments with the core purpose of preventing and alleviating human suffering. Humanitarian interventions are basically guided by needs, but it follows three main principles of humanitarian law as expressed...
All findings will be reported using CONSORT guidance [53] and intention-to-treat (ITT) principles will be used for the primary analysis of findings. Interim analyses {21b} No interim analysis will be conducted. The DSMB will receive access to the unmasked data during the trial, and they ...
The article finds that the ESSN comes with compromises on humanitarian principles and standards, amplifies the protection and assistance divide and fails to address the realities of the Turkish context with respect to the country's housing and labour markets and the weak protection framework. The ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际人道主义法与人权法 International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Towards a New Merger in International Law.doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 国际人道主义法与人权法 International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law...
by the Basic Law of National Education is to raise “individuals who are committed to Atatürk’s reforms and principles, his concept of nationalism as defined in the Constitution; who adopt, protect and improve the national, moral, human, spiritual and cultural values of the Turkish nation; ...
[19,20,22,26,27], the positioning of humanitarian medical personnel close to the continuously changing front lines [20,22,24,26] highlight issues related to the safety of patients and humanitarian personnel [26] and pose a constant threat to the respect of the humanitarian principles of ...