Contributing to Europe’s emergence into the Renaissance, the period ushered in a new era of architecture after a phase of Gothic art, with the rise of notions of ‘Humanism’. The idea of attaching much importance to the essence of individualism. The effect of Humanism included the emergence...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook antihumanism Encyclopedia Wikipedia (ˌæntɪˈhjuːmənɪzəm) n opposition to humanism Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 20...
The effect on religion was especially strong. In the Middle Ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven. But the increase in arts and education gave people things to look forward to in life, and made them lose interest in the church. The...
Robert Black's analysis finds that continuity and conservatism, not innovation, characterize medieval and Renaissance teaching. The study of classical texts in medieval Italian schools reached its height in the twelfth century; this was followed by a collapse in the thirteenth century, an effect on ...
'This is an excellent publication, quite unique in its coverage, at a level accessible to students, of every aspect of the Renaissance ... One of the most useful contextual volumes on the period of a...
on the Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero’s concept of humanitas, an educational and political ideal that was the intellectual basis of the entire movement. Renaissance humanism in all its forms defined itself in its straining toward this ideal. No discussion of humanism, therefore, can have ...
From 1832 in reference to "intelligent study and appreciation of the classics," especially in reference to the Renaissance. By 1847 in reference to "system or mode of thought in which human interests predominate" (originally often in the writings of its enemies). As a pragmatic system of thoug...
Christians. The Proto-Humanists had been largely secular; Petrarch bought religion in, arguing that history can have a positive effect on a Christian soul. He has been said to have created the "Humanist program," and he argued that each person should study the ancients and create their own ...
If Greek humanism was a reaction against natural philosophy, Renaissance humanism itself was a reaction against the Scholasticism of Mediaeval philosophy, which often concerned itself with abstruse questions (like how many angels can fit on the head of a pin) of questionable relevance to the human ...
The second volume of a compelling, original work which will redefine our perceptions of medieval civilization, the renaissance and the evolution of modern Europe. Written by a man who was widely regarded as the greatest medieval historian.