The Mountains' Humane Society was formed in 1975 by a group of mountain residents who shared a concern for the welfare of local cats and dogs. We are a non-profit 501 c3 volunteer organization that aids domestic animals on our mountain range from Cedar Pines Park to Forest Falls. We offer...
have a substance abuse problem, and have children. Skill- and confidence-building programs such as those suggested above provide additional tools for the inmate to use in her reentry into larger society.
That spring, though, the plants gave me an unexpected gift in spite of my poor stewardship. As I headed past the driveway to tackle the onerous spring ritual of removing garlic mustard(Alliaria petiolata), a persistent European plant that crowds out native groundcovers, I discovered the little...
Seasonal Deer Tips:It’s mating season for deer, so be especially careful. This article from the the Wild Neighbors program at the Humane Society of the United States,“How to Avoid Vehicular Collisions with Deer,”can help you navigate the increased activity more safely. Working with Wildlife ...