The plan’s in-network and out-of-network out-of-pocket maximums. Whether your medical providers are in-network or out-of-network, or how often you may go out of network for care. Whether you require extra benefits, and if the plan charges for them. Here are examples of Humana Medica...
2 Frequency based on date of service HumanaVision Lasik discount We have contracted with many well-known acilities and eye doctors to o er Lasik procedures at substantially reduced ees. You can take advantage o these low ees when procedures are done by network providers. The network locations...
Preferred provider organization.In a PPO, the insurance company pays a portion of charges from out-of-network providers, but at a much lower rate than for in-network. Point of service.A POS plan works the same as a PPO, with the important exception that if your in-network primary physici...
out-of-pocketcosts increaseusingnon-par providers Nonetwork;members mayuseanydoctoror hospitalaccepting MedicareandHumana’s paymenttermsand conditions Nonetwork; membersmayuse anydoctoror hospitalaccepting Medicare ReferralRequirementsYes,inmostcases, PCPmustrefer membersneeding specialtycare No,butsomeprocedures...