If Humana fails to develop and maintain satisfactory relationships with the providers of care to its members, the company’s business may be adversely affected. Humana faces significant competition in attracting and retaining talented employees. Further, managing succession for, and retent...
youwerebilledforintensivecareconfinementandthediagnosiscodesforthe confinement. Itemizedmedicalbills/statements&correspondinghealthinsuranceexplanationofbenefit statements(EOB’s): Pleaseobtainitemizedmedicalbillsfromyourmedicalproviders.Themedicalbillsneedto includetheprovidername,addressandtelephonenumber,dateofservice,list...
Enhanced dental benefits.An out-of-network benefit for dental is being added to certain HMO plans to offer improved access to providers. There are also options for embedded dental, including allowances of $500 or more. Members can use the allowance towar...