Humanaexecutives say they are modeling a number of scenarios to try to figure out how they’ll price theirMedicaredrug plans for 2020 as the health insurance industry awaits new pharmacy benefit rebate regulations expected this spring from the Trump administration. “We’re spending a lot of time...
In the HumanaNatura natural health system, and as explained in our Mastering The Natural Year graphic and post, we recommend extra progress on our Natural Life Plans around each cross-quarter. At the equinox-nearing cross-quarters, this is so we have adequate completed actions and learning at ...
As of June 30, 2020, Humanaservedalmost 8.4 million Medicare beneficiaries, 4.5 million of whom were in Medicare Advantage plans. The payer will develop value-based contracts with providers in order to facilitate care coordination for beneficiaries as part of the Global and Professional ...
Change in fair market value of publicly-traded equity securities of $63 million, or $0.37 per diluted common share. Humana adjusts for the market gains and losses of its publicly-traded equity investments (primarily Oak Street Health, Inc.) each period because w...
covers nearly 4.5 million people as the nation’s second-largest provider of Medicare Advantage plans. Those are privately run versions of the government’s Medicare program for people age 65 and over and those who have severe disabilities or illnesses. Many insurers, including Humana, have ...
Schwab said he is hearing bipartisan interest on the Hill to reform the quality bonus payments and risk adjustment, as well as the feasibility of Part D standalone plans. Think tanks across the ideological spectrum may find common ground on star ratings and other issues in MA...