1) human pathogens 人源肠道致病菌2) enteropathogen 肠道致病菌 1. The one of reasons causing human being disease is enteropathogen in food. 食品中的肠道致病菌是引起人类食源性疾病的主要原因之一,而传统的病原微生物检测耗时长,操作烦琐,对有些细菌也不能给出理想的鉴定结果,在实际运用中遇到越来越...
From a geoscience perspective, the consequences of pandemic-status diseases such as COVID-19, produced by viral pathogens utilising aerosols to infect a human population currently approaching 8 billion, are far-reaching and unprecedented. The obvious and sudden impacts on for example waste plastic ...
1) opportunistic human bacterial pathogens 人体条件致病细菌2) opportunistic human bacterial pathogen 人体条件致病菌 1. Burkholderia cepacia is representative of an opportunistic human bacterial pathogen. 洋葱伯克氏细菌具有生物防治、促进植物生长和降解残留农药等功效,但它又是一种危险的人体条件致病菌。