Eye gaze is an integral element of human social interaction across all cultures88and has thus been utilized by roboticists in many ways, such as indicating a robot’s mental state, directing user attention, and increasing fluidity in conversations89. Users have also been shown to prefer robots...
Bartneck, C., Belpaeme, T., Eyssel, F., Kanda, T., Keijsers, M., Šabanović, S.: Human-Robot Interaction: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2019) Google Scholar Deci, E., Vallerand, R., Pelletier, L., Ryan, R.: Motivation and education: the self-determin...
An overview of what human–robot interaction (HRI) is and the basics of how a robot works, specifically the verbal and non-verbal parts that affect their interactions with humans.BASIC HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTIONDavid O JohnsonUniversity of Kansas, USA...
Computational Human-Robot Interaction.Thomaz, Hoffman, & Cakmak, Foundations and Trends in Robotics. Vol 4: No. 2-3. Now Publishers, 2016. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.4th Ed. Russell & Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2020. Reinforcement learning: An introduction (2nd ed.). Sutton & Bar...
human-robotinteractionhuman-机器人交互 系统标签: robotinteractionhuman机器人hrirobotics Human-RobotInteraction DavidFeil-SeiferMajaJMatari´c Contents 1DefinitionoftheSubjectandInitialUse1 2Introduction2 3MajorHRIInfluencesinPopularCulture2 4ProminentResearchChallenges3 4.1Multi-ModalPerception...3 4.2De...
1 Introduction The exponential evolution of technology in recent decades has led to the consolidation of robotics in countless practical applications that directly affect our daily life. In particular, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) has become an area of interest due to its application in various ...
The present book attempts to take a deep dive into the science of trust in the domain of human-robot interaction (HRI). We sought to gather the extant state of the art in the knowledge of trust in HRI and put it into an accessible venue for use by students, academics, engineers, and...
thatthephysicalembodimentofarobotisimportantinaninteraction,andthatsocial behavioronthepartofarobothelpsinconductinginteractions.Severalfutureusesofsociable robotsareconsidered,alongwiththechallengesthatmustbeovercomeintheprocessofcreating theserobots. Introduction Human-robotinteractionisarecentlyemergedareaofresearchthat...
摘要原文 ABSTRACT The paper gives an overview about the process between two language processing methods towards Human-robot interaction. In this paper, Echo State Networks and Stochastic-learning grammar are explored in order to get an idea about generating human’s natural language and the possibilit...
HUMAN-robot interactionSOCIAL robotsPUBLIC spacesROBOTICSAUTONOMOUS robotsSOCIAL perceptionCITY dwellersInternational Journal of Social Robotics -doi:10.1007/s12369-020-00681-6Somaya BenAllouchAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsMaartje de Graaf...