protoFile ="pose/body_25/pose_deploy.prototxt"weightsFile ="pose/body_25/pose_iter_584000.caffemodel"nPoints =25POSE_PAIRS = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [1,5], [5,6], [6,7],[1,8],[8,9],[9,10],[10,11],[11,22],[11,24],[22,23],[8,12],[12,13],[13...
Head pose estimation Realtime human head pose estimation with ONNX Runtime and OpenCV. How it works There are three major steps: Face detection. A face detector is introduced to provide a face bounding box containing a human face. Then the face box is expanded and transformed to a square ...
swapRB: 一个布尔值,指示是否应该交换红色和蓝色通道。由于 OpenCV 默认以 BGR 格式读取图像,而许多预训练的模型(尤其是在 Caffe 中)期望输入图像为 RGB 格式,因此通常需要将此参数设置为 True。 crop: 一个布尔值,如果设置为 True,则会在缩放图像时裁剪图像,以确保输出 blob 的尺寸完全匹配指定的尺寸。如果为 ...
Realtime human head pose estimation with ONNX Runtime and OpenCV. How it works There are three major steps: Face detection. A face detector is introduced to provide a face bounding box containing a human face. Then the face box is expanded and transformed to a square to suit the needs of...