The jaw muscle lifts the lower jaw, so as to close the mouth while chewing. The multipennate arrangement of fibers gives it the strength for this. The masseter entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1992, as the strongest muscle with an achievement of a bite strength of 4,337 N for 2...
as sketched above. It seems plain to me that whatever he is he is not a reasoning animal. His record is the fantastic record of a maniac. I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he blandly sets himself up as the head ...
but I was in the grip of panicked tunnel-vision, and I didn’t think the universe, having already fucked quite considerably with our trip, was going to fuck with me that morning – even though I’d become one of its favourite fuckees, with my...
aTheAe. aegyptieye. Image courtesy of Alex Wild (with permission).bSpectral reflectance of behaviorally important objects forAe. aegyptifemales: human skin (brown line); flower (Platanthera obtusata; green line) and within a small puddle filled withAe. aegyptilarvae (blue line). Lines are mean...
butwedon'tforgetthateveryone hasaverystrongweapon-teeth.Thebrokenteethcanbean easyjobtodoshellnuts,ifittakesnineyardsbyhandif thebiteforce,visiblepowerisamazing.Tobesurprisedis torelyonpersonalstrategiesandtheabilitytoimprovise, pretendingtobeafraidorpretendingtoobey,waitingforthe opportunitysuddenlysuddenlyruthless...
That’s it. That’s all that happened. If the story ended here, I might have been able to walk away with a minor emotional scratch or scar. But that’s not my story. This experience may (or may not) have taught me that I yearned for attention from a man or an adult. This beca...
soitisnotconsidered.Thestrongestpointsthan knee-jerk,fisttimes,iftherearebrick,stonezhuhard objectsavailable,don'tletgo,butwedon'tforgetthat everyonehasaverystrongweapon-teeth.Theteethcaneasily crushtheshellofanut,andthestrengthofthebiteisamazing ifyouhavetotakeitwithyourhands.Todothisistorely onpersonal...
FEBA’s network is strongest in Western Europe as it has a more well-developed set of food corporations and non-profits to work with food banks. Although Eastern Europe has relatively high-levels of food insecurity, post-communist states are often suspicious of non-governmental initiatives, especi...
with advanced dementia patients calledTerminal Lucidity. Shortly before death, sometimes days or hours before, there is a surge ofDMTfrom the pineal gland, buried deep in a part of the brain Alzheimers does not affect. The brain is suddenly bathed in DMT, the strongest known hallucinogenic drug...
in the group of juveniles without erupted permanent second molars, the bite forces were not highest at M1s but at the P4s (second premolars); juveniles with erupted M2s indicated the highest bite forces at M2s and the pattern of bite-force values, such as M1 > M2 > M3, occurred in sub...