分享1735 纪录片吧 absalom2013 BBC 人类宇宙 Human Universe720p继《太阳系的奇迹》(Wonders of the Solar System)、《宇宙的奇迹》(Wonders of the Universe)和《生命的奇迹》之后,布莱恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)教授的最新作品《人类宇宙》(Human Universe)终于呈献在大家面前!布莱恩教授将探索这宇宙中... +16 分享...
He used the same story-telling structure of nested holons that Teilhard, Thomas Berry, and Brian Swimme use to tell the Story of the Universe: Universe, Earth, Life, Humans. Wells was thinking about the context of the human story. The first sentence of the tome begins: And first, before...
to symbolise and to celebrate the human brain - the most sophisticated item of organic chemistry in the known universe".See also: http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/chaplefinnerty/1.htm#Castlestrange "Humanity as a whole" still has an enormous amount of "growing up" to do, it ...