HUMAN trafficking preventionECONOMIC developmentSUPPLY chain managementPREVENTIONAll throughout history, slavery has been a constant and a key factor in economic development. Also for many centuries slavery and forced labour was legal. Only from the beginning of the 20th century onwards slavery became ...
This paper aims to approach the concept of human trafficking from a historical, cultural and philosophical point of view in order to cover the two dimensions: History and Culture and Philosophy and Science. It will be focusing on human trafficking, in the form of the sexual exploitation of wome...
The increased ability to exchange money, communicate and sell through the Internet, and send commodities and people across borders faster than ever has made the trafficking of humans the third most widespread business for organized crime in the world, right behind drugs and arms dealing (Nagle, ...
The article discusses the significance of the integration of principles of human resource development (HRD) as a solution to prevent human trafficking worldwide. It highlights the integration of HRD practices in the prevention of human trafficking and examines the history, definitions, and legislative ...
Human traffickingis a public health issue, a violation of human rights, and a crime in every state of the United States. Human trafficking is also a global issue, having an impact on every nation throughout the world. The International Labour Organization estimates that there are approximately ...
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Human trafficking risk factors, health impacts, and opportunities for intervention in Uganda: a qualitative analysis and barriers and facilitators of seeking help throughout the human trafficking trajectory among forced labor and sex trafficking victims in Kampala, Uganda. ... RE Klabbers,A Hughes,M ...
A human trafficking indictment released on Nov. 22, 2021 on the website of U.S. Department of Justice documents that dozens of workers from Mexico and Central American countries have been smuggled to farms in the southern part of the state of Georgia, where they were illegally imprisoned under...
Human trafficking and health: A conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research For people who are trafficked, health risks and consequences may begin before they are recruited into the trafficking process, continue throughout the period... C Zimmerman,M Hossain,C Watts - 《Social Sci...
A human trafficking indictment released on Nov. 22, 2021 on the website of U.S. Department of Justice documents that dozens of workers from Mexico and Central American countries have been smuggled to farms in the southern part of the state of Georgia, where they were illegally imprisoned under...