What our students are saying... This was a fantastic eye-opening course. It caused me to rethink events in the deep past where I now believe were human trafficking was possibly occurring. I recommend this site strongly. Get Started
International Saints and Abolitionists. ISA is Fighting to End Sex Trafficking through Prevention, Education, & Intervention. Because Everyone Deserves Freedom.
Welcome to this course about privacy. We are thrilled to see that you are interested and will provide you with a comprehensive study of this intriguiging subject. We hope this course will enthuse you to look further into privacy and personal data regulation. Especially in the light of recent...
Subject-wise, Professor Kakar's book is comprehensive and replete with excellent introductions to domestic and international aspects of trafficking. While the topic is especially relevant within a reasonably well organized general format, and much necessary information has been included, the volume has ...
Human trafficking is a global public health issue that is associated with serious short- and long-term morbidity. To address and prevent human trafficking, vulnerabilities to human trafficking and forces sustaining it need to be better understood among s
tion and Prevention Human Trafficking: Identification and PreventionHuman Trafficking: Identification and PreventionMichelle Hannan
Human Trafficking: The Latest Online Lost Theories By Michael Alan Connelly and Alexandra Martell While not one for the history books like last week’s mythology-defining, Richard-centric episode, “The Package” still had a lot of titillating goods to offer, as it reminded us the good that ...
Here, trafficking includes recruiting, harboring, transporting, or obtaining any person for forced labor. As is the case respecting forced labor offenses, the penalty for labor trafficking is up to 20 years imprisonment. If a person dies in course of such activity, or subject to a kidnapping, ...
Internal forced labor may constitute India's largest trafficking problem; men, women, and children in debt bondage are forced to work in industries such as brick kilns, rice mills, agriculture, and embroidery factories. Although no comprehensive study of forced and bonded labor has been carried ...
Relevant employees within the group (to include those working in supply chain, procurement, human resources, health & safety, and senior on-site roles) are required to complete a modern slavery and human trafficking e-Learning training module. This course covers the requirements of the Act, ISG...