True Nature You’ll get the facts straight-up. Science-backed insights that reveal your natural superpowers, preferences, and potential. Optimize Yourself & Your Life Finally, you’ll have strategies that actually work. And we’re with you for the long haul. No burnout, just smart, sustainabl...
The life-feelings mentioned by Stein are the following: vigor (Frische); weariness (Mattigkeit); superalertness (Überwachheit); irritability (Reizbarkeit). Every change in life-feelings is a mechanical cause (Ursache) of a change in all other conscious experiences. Let’s see how Stein ...
Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). The term first arose in the aftermath of the Cold War, when a relatively stable conflict between two global superpowers fragmented into a multipolar multiethnic clash of civilizations. Today, however, it has become so firmly entrenched in the business lexicon that...
students have all these superpowers to interact with human anatomy in a way they can’t do in reality.[/minti_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”padding-2″ column_center=”true” width=”1/3″][minti_iconbox icon=”sl-check” style=”2″ title=”A Medical Metaverse For...
And man turned to it and perfected his brain and his great powers of thought and he became the master of all things. And somewhere along this last, tortuous journey, he began to lose his early ties with Creation. They receded into lost places in the mind, these mysterious senses, and ...
In the medical field, we are largely dependent on technology, also for life-saving measures. This means that it is their data, algorithms, design, structures, and logics that fundamentally shape our human existence and ourselves. In New Materialism, we are not merely entangled with the non-...
How to Make Navigating Ambiguity a Super Power— by Robyn Bolton BONUS – Here are five more strong articles published in June that continue to resonate with people: “I don’t know,” is a clue you’re doing it right— by Mike Shipulski ...
They called it the “Blackout Bowl“, and today marks its4390th day. Strong’s 4390 is the Hebrew word that means “to fulfill, complete” — will today’s Super Bowl bring the fulfillment of a blackout? >My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that theSeal of the City of New Orlean...
Rate hikes and punishing fees for homeowners who turn to solar power [have] darkened green-energy prospects in could-be solar superpowers like Arizona and Nevada. But nowhere has the solar industry been more eclipsed than in Florida, where the utilities’ powers of obstruction are unrivaled… ...
order she told me it was too late it had already gone through and I could just return it for a refund. I simply do not have time for that. so now I have 12 bags of super beets and no turmeric or grapes. I have decided to buy a different product from another company fro m now ...