skull (skŭl) n. 1.The bony or cartilaginous framework that encloses and protects the brain and sense organs of all vertebrates and of one group of nonvertebrates (the hagfishes); cranium. 2.InformalThe head, regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence:Use your skull and solve the ...
bonce,noggin,noodle,dome,attic,bean- informal terms for a human head pate,poll,crown- the top of the head scalp- the skin that covers the top of the head; "they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy" occiput- back part of the head or skull ...
Spherical shell models have been formulated as geometric approximations of the human head. By insuring geometrical and material similarity between the model and human head, impact response and skull fracture studies were expected to yield results in close agreement with model predictions. This, however...
The demonstration head model consists of a skull (1) and a lower jaw (2) with upper and lower sets of teeth. The lower jaw is pivoted to the skull by a pin (10) on each side of the jaw (2). The pin is attached to guides which can slide in a curved guide groove (20). The...
Objective To establish a human 3D finite element skull model,and to explore its value in biomechanics analysis.Methods The cadaveric head was scanned and then 3D skull model was created using Mimics software based on 2D CT axial images.The 3D skull model was optimized by preprocessor along with...
Human skull may be subjected to a sudden impact during road accidents. The failure may or may not be initiated depending on the severity of the impact during the accident. In general a human skull is an arbitrarily shaped shell and the shape and size vary from person to person. It is als...
One of the skulls belongs to a 10-year-old boy, showing a circular perforation about 1 cm in diameter on top of his head. "The skull surface is smooth and even, indicating the traces of artificial drilling. And the cranium shows that it still grew after the perforation, which suggests ...
Fully morphable head pose tool Tomi Nevalainen #30 in Graphics & Design 3.3 • 23 Ratings $3.99 Screenshots iPhone iPad Description The ultimate head posing tool with 3D models, full morphing, a skull and a face reference library with hundreds of categorized images. Perfect for artists and des...
头颅头颅图(skull-human-head-cranium-diagram) 资源编号 : 43795588 格式: svg 文件体积 : 94k SVG 94k 名称 分辨率 格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的元素合辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为svg 格式的头颅头颅图(skull-human-head-...
and imaging techniques. They also used finite element analysis, an engineering method used to examine how objects of complex geometry respond. At GW, researchers used methods to create and analyze skull anatomy of early human relatives and provided findings from their research on the fracture mechani...