A human skeleton model is then constructed progressively from that joint and is able to be reprojected to the extracted 2D joint locations under the calibrated camera. The proposed system has been applied to both synthetic and real data and produced highly satisfactory results. 展开 关键词: human...
We propose a new real鈥恡ime approach to removing the shadow cast by a person who dynamically interacts with the display, making limb motions in a front projection system. The proposed method utilizes a human skeleton obtained from a depth camera to track the posture of the person which ...
Our evaluation shows high accuracy on both synthetic and real test sets, and investigates the effect of several training parameters. We achieve state of the art accuracy in our comparison with related work and demonstrate improved generalization over exact whole-skeleton nearest neighbor matching. ...
This model is a replica of a life size human skeleton and shows all the skeleton parts in high details. It's hand-assembled to provide intricate details and long-lasting durability. The main joints are articulated; the upper and lower limbs can...
HPE tasks mainly consist of two types: Single-person Pose Estimation (SPE) and Multi-person Pose Estimation (MPE). SPE focuses on mining the pose features of individual persons, and thus the model only needs to identify and regress the keypoints and skeleton information of the target person....
Based on the depth sensing skeleton data, this paper designs an immersive virtual entity interaction system, and its hardware and software requirements are shown in Table 1. Table 1 System composition. Full size table Stereoscopic display The constituent element of VR is a three-dimensional visual ...
For the first time, we show that training regression network from skeleton map alone is capable of meeting the performance of state-of-theart 3D human pose estimation works. We further exploit the power of multiple 3D hypothesis generation to obtain reasonbale 3D pose in consistent with 2D ...
(b) pose skeleton images as the condition to ControlNet, T2I-Adapter and our proposed HumanSD (c) a generation byControlNet (d) a generation byT2I-Adapter (e) a generation by HumanSD (ours). ControlNet, T2I-Adapter, and HumanSD receive both text and pose conditions. ...
为了将密集的点云和三角网格从三维扫描转换为严密的(watertight)可动画(animatable)的三维人体网格,需要进行三个主要的预处理步骤:(i)模板网格配准(template mesh registration):将模板网络拟合到三维点云上以处理三角网格中包含的孔;(ii)骨架拟合(skeleton fitting):确定关节个数和每个关节旋转的位置和轴向(the ...
Human femur (F) and humerus (H) were analysed upon aerobic and anaerobic burning. The samples were collected from the same skeleton, to avoid inter-skeleton variability38. The temperature range (400 to 1000\(^\circ \)C) was chosen according to that reached in fire and explosion settings49...