坐在地上俯瞰小山的女子侧视图(Side View Photo of Woman Sitting on Ground Overlooking a Hill) 矢量肺部 兵马俑侧视图(side-view-terracotta-warriors) 人体大脑脑子 在岸上做瑜伽的女人侧视图(Side view of silhouette woman doing yoga on shore)
Ji et al. [10] trained a dual neural network to reconstruct 3D human body from a frontal-view and a side-view silhouette image, which can reconstruct body from sparse features but still lacked the details of face. Other researchers [19, 20] introduced depth images into deep-learning based...
• Detailed 3D Human Body Reconstruction from Multi-view Images Combining Voxel Super-Resolution and Learned Implicit Representation • A novel joint points and silhouette-based method to estimate 3D human pose and shape • FaceDet3D: Facial Expressions with 3D Geometric Detail Prediction paper ...
Silhouetter For non-contact measurement, a ‘silhouetter’ has been developed to capture a 2D photograph of a body contour with a background of a calibrated standard grid. This system consists of a booth with a large grid wall, a series of fluorescent light tubes and an instant camera (Fig...
One major disadvantage of the shape-based method is that it cannot capture the internal motion of the object within the silhouette region. Even state-of-the-art background subtraction techniques do not always reliably recover precise silhouettes, especially in dynamic environments. This reduces the ...
The optimal cluster number was determined based on a combination of three methods (Elbow, Silhouette, and Gap statistic). The clustering results were then optimized by visualizations of the results (PCA and line plots). For line plots, only features (both biotics and abiotics) with a ...
Unique labels are assigned to each refined silhouette, according to their estimated real world position and appearance and the trajectory of each silhouette in real world coordinates is estimated. Experimental results are presented for a number of video sequences, in which the number of false ...
The background subtraction did through the image processing technique that was later converted into binary for silhouette extraction. The system is evaluated through the self-similarity-based method and on the CASIA-B dataset, which showed improvement in accuracy. Deng et al. [33] suggested a ...
Using the acquired feature data, the human body silhouette is extracted by the pixel clustering method based on the joint feature, the width size of the human body section is calculated, and the GBDT circumference calibration model is used to combine and calibrate the human body circumference ...
Human body shape reconstruction from binary silhouette images Comp. Aided Geometric Design (2019) J. Huang Swin transformer for fast MRI Neurocomputing (2022) L. Pishchulin Building statistical shape spaces for 3d human modeling Pattern Recogn. (2017) Haoyang Structure-consistent customized virtual man...