andlegalpermanentresidentsearningbetweenR3 501andR15000permonth, (the“affordable”or“gap”market). Individualsinthesesalarybandsgenerallyfindit hardtoqualifyforhousingfinance;theirincomeis regardedaslowformortgagefinance,buttoohigh toqualifyforthegovernment“free-basic-house” subsidyscheme. WhattodowithFLISP...
The results also showed that respondents assume that HWI in PUL are influenced by a variety of factors like land cover changes in PUL, or availability of food in peri-urban settlements. The increasing overlap between human and wildlife habitats is mostly related to the high accessibility of PUL...
The basic framework of beautiful human settlements is based on key systems such as human, social, housing, support, and environment, and the beauty of population system, residential system, social system, support system and environmental system constitute the “beauty of five aspects” of beautiful...
After the Anthropocene, human settlements will likely have less available energy to move people and things. This paper considers the feasibility of five modes of transportation under two energy-constrained scenarios. It analyzes the effects transportation mode choice is likely to have on the size of...