The leaves from each first order branch whorl and of each age class were removed separately and analysed for potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and ash.doi:10.1080/00981380903095080Cynthia A Loveland CookPubMedSocial Work in Health Care...
In this chapter, we focus on its impacts on forests. We will focus on how the potential climate change impacts on forest biodiversity and structure will have a reflection on the ecosystem services provided by forests, and therefore on the capacity of these ecosystems to support the Sustainable ...
The change in land use/land cover (LULC) is the rapid influence and response of human activities on nature, with significant consequences [1,2,3,4]. The rapid changes in land cover, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh, urban sprawl characterized by random and unplanned growth [5...
In the NGS, land use and socioeconomic activities are strongly seasonal and rural livelihoods are tied to the primary sector, in particular to farming and other pastoral activities. These activities have actively degraded the savannah, leading to the loss of biomass and ecosystem services, and ...
In Genesis, God blesses human beings and bids us to take dominion over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, and every other living thing. We are entreated to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth, and subdue it (Gen. 1:28). The bad news, and the good news, is tha...
down models to address these planning and development factors, such that demands for different use types can be determined from the macro-scale perspective and can be regarded as scenarios that represent future development pathways (Sohl, Sayler, Drummond, & Loveland, 2007; Xiang & Clarke, 2016)...
Regulation of protein output at the level of translation allows for a rapid adaptation to dynamic changes to the cell’s requirements. This precise control of gene expression is achieved by complex and interlinked biochemical processes that modulate both
The Research Process in the Human Services: Behind the Scenes, Leslie B. Alexander and Phyllis SolomonBelmont, CA: Thompson Brooks, 2006, 491 pages, $59.95 (paper)doi:10.1080/00981380903095080Cynthia A. Loveland Cook PhDACSWRNProfessor Saint Louis UniversitySt. LouisSocial Work in Health Care...
(1997). Eye direction: A dissociation between geometric and joint attention skills in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 77–95. Loveland, K. A., Tunai-Kotoski, B., Chen, Y. R., Ortega, J., iet al. (1997). Emotion recognition in autism: Verbal and nonverbal ...
telesimulations, live-streaming of surgical procedures and the integration of students to support clinical services remotely. Challenges included the lack of personal interaction and standardized curricula. All studies showed high risk of bias and poor reporting of the educational setting and theory [105...