Human Rights Watchis a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization made up of roughly 400 staff members around the globe. Its staff consists of human rights professionals including country experts, lawyers, journalists, and academics of diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Established in 1978,...
Top Olympic Sponsors Grilled on China Human Rights Abuses Ahead of Beijing Games Film 4 years Independent Filmmaker and Journalist Who Chronicled China Rights Abuses Detained Music 12 years Jennifer Lopez’s Turkmenistan Performance Raises Questions Film 12 years Global Village: India Gets Tou...
人权观察组织(Human Rights Watch)以色列和巴勒斯坦事务负责人奥马尔 · 沙基尔(Omar Shakir)表示,警告是保护平民免受武装冲突伤害的一个重要途径,从原则上讲,更精确的地图比笼统的疏散命令更有帮助。但他说,以色列的新系统与之前的系统相比并没有太大改进。他说:"在加沙没有可靠的安全通道,也没有可靠的安全地点,所...
human rights adj. 人权的 rights n. [right] 的复数形式;正确,正义,权利 watch v. 1.[T,I]看;注视;观看;观察 2.[T](短时间)照看,看护,照管 3.【非正式】小心;当心;留意 n. 1.[C]表;手表;(旧时的)怀表 2.[U][sing.]注意;注 human n. 1.人,人类 a. 1.人的,人类的 2.有人性的...
Our Solutions We began by outlining the regulatory landscape on human rights due diligence before diving into practical steps to conduct it, drawing connections between the UNGPs… case study Conducting a B-Corp Impact Assessment The Situation We supported a zero-waste members cooperative shop ...
人权观察Human Rights Watch,10月12日: 以色列现在在加沙和黎巴嫩的军事行动中使用了白磷,使平民面临严重和长期受伤的风险。 白磷会引起剧烈的烧伤,并可能引发家庭火灾。在人口稠密的地区使用它是非法的。 ...
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I know a little about Human Rights Watch from their festival, but we didn’t know a lot about it. Through some contacts with some friends, we were told about The E-Team, and we had kind of a blind date set up, having dinner with them. Ross and I had dinner with Anna, Ole, ...
Human rights watch 350Watch, Human Rights
Belkis Wille, the Associate Crisis, Conflict and Arms Director for Human Rights Watch, talks about her group’s latest report, which accuses Israel of inflicting “serious and sometimes life-threatening danger” on pregnant and postpartum women and girls