Kindersoldaten: Opfer oder Täter? Ein Essay von Manfred Nowak mehr erfahren Ella’s Riot - Geschichte einer Sámi mehr erfahren News „Es sind gefährliche Zeiten“ mehr erfahren News Aufbau der ukrainischen Resilienz mehr erfahren
Modern population genomics, mostly employing selection-neutral DNA markers and sequences, allow us to understand the diversity and population structure of pathogens, and to draw inferences on the isolation and/or connectivity of their populations and on their probable center of origin. As for agricult...
was used. In case of ambiguous or conflicting information, the activity was coded with a question mark. In the case of hunting and fishing activities, the method of use was also recorded, namely whether the club/stick was used for hunting (i.e., catching and killing) or only for finishin...
Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Handbuch zu Geschichte– Kultur– Ethik, pp. 3–14. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart (2019). Westermann, B.: Anthropomorphe Maschinen: Grenzgänge zwischen Biologie und Technik seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Wilhelm Fink, München ...
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Untersuchungen zur literarischen Kommunikation und Gattungsgeschichte (ed. Kuch, H.) (Akademie, 1989). Konstan, D. Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres (Princeton Univ. Press, 2014). Song, G. The Fragile Scholar: Power and Masculinity in Chinese Culture Vol. 1 (...
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