responsibleforhuman rights violationsandabuses, including acts of violence, must be held accountable. 会后,安理会成员向新闻界发表谈话,特别重申,须本着包容与和解的精神, 透明和及时地落实海湾合作委员会倡议及实施机制;敦促也门所有当事方拒绝暴 ...
Human rights are also an integral component of US foreign policy. Any nation deemed a threat to US hegemony is condemned for human rights violations. Often, the allegations are unfounded. This is certainly the case in relation to China. The US has spread insidious lies about the so-called hu...
project that will contribute to or exacerbate violations of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights. 此外,由外部贷款获得的资金不得用 于 资 助 任 何促 成或 加剧 侵犯人 权、特别是经济、社会和文化权利的 活动或项目。 [...] ...
The article focuses on the book "Uruguay Nunca M谩s: Human Rights Violations, 1972-1985," by Servicio Paz y Justicia-Uruguay and translated by Elizabeth Weschler. Servicio Paz y Justicia Uruguay is a team of lawyers, doctors, and human rights workers dedicated to the preservation of human ...
I. Violations of the Rights of Immigrants in the United States ◆ When the United States was first founded, white Americans, mainly Anglo-Saxon Protestants, were very suspicious of immigrants and tried to restrict and assimilate...
Human rights violations by prison staff are commonplace.The United States has the highest incarceration rate and the highest number of incarcerated people in the world. An Associated Press investigation has found that the U.S. federal Bureau of Prisons is a hotbed of graft, corruption and abuse....
private companies generally build in accordance with the minimum standards contracted with the government, resulting in poor detention facilities and a harsh internal environment. A lack of supervision has led to chaotic management of the detention facilities and repeated violations of human rights, while...
Taiwan's Human Rights, criticism ★ this site's world No. 1 in 2020~24, 2017~19, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010~12 ★ Top since 1998 fights for rightshome Taiwan TW OP democracy tour medical restaurants night-markets love personality women speech mental-control privacy fraud judiciary ...
profound and pervasive human rights violations, including gender-based violence in the public [...] 委员会感到不安的是,妇女继续遭受严 重和 普遍 的 人 权侵 犯, 包 括在 公共和私人 领域,甚至在家庭这个最私密的私人领域,遭受基于性别的暴力行为。 The...
The pursuit of Omo River basin development is leading to a major human rights crisis in the Ethiopia-Kenya-South Sudan transboundary region of eastern Africa. Among the principal human rights being violated are those recognized by the International Coven