Human rights issues still occur in our value chain, and there is much more we need to do to address them. Respect for human rights will continue to drive Unilever's approach in the years to come. This report reflects our belief that transparency and accountability must underpin the ...
2022 Avary Holding Human Rights Due Diligence Report 1. Human rights policy Avary supports international human rights standards. In compliance with the basic human rights principles such as the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", the "United Nations Global Compact", the "United ...
Taiwan's Human Rights, criticism ★ this site's world No. 1 in 2020~24, 2017~19, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010~12 ★ Top since 1998 fights for rightshome Taiwan TW OP democracy tour medical restaurants night-markets love personality women speech mental-control privacy fraud judiciary ...
INTRODUCTION In this statement Saipem aims to describe through its policies, processes and activities how the Company addresses human rights and modern slavery risks across its global operations and supply chain, in particular focusing on actions taken in 2022 and those planned for the current year....
Since November 2023, the Fujitsu Group has been participating in the Engagement and Remedy Platform, operated and provided by Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), to receive complaints and reports on human rights from a wide range of stakeholders (*2). ...
We respect human rights and seek to use our scale, capabilities and influence to help people and communities improve their lives, with a focus on our salient human rights issues.
The independent panel of experts on human rights appointed by the UN Human Rights Council issued a statement on Jan. 10, 2022, saying that two decades of practicing arbitrary detention without trial accompanied by torture or ill treatment violates international human right laws, and is a "stain ...
Communication on our approach, progress, and setbacks on human rights is an essential part of our ongoing human rights due diligence process. We track our human rights performance across several indicators in our sustainability-key figures, in our annual financial and sustainability reports and our ...
s human rights management governance consists of ‘BOD - Top management - Human Rights Management Team - Relevant departments.’ Among them, the ESG Committee, a subcommittee of the BOD, is positioned as the highest decision-making body related to human rights. The CEO listens to reports on ...
Data released by U.S. Border Patrol shows that in fiscal year 2021, as many as 557 migrants died on the southern border of the United States, more than double the previous fiscal year, hitting the highest number since records began in 1998. Media reports say this does not reflect the dir...