LL.M. in Human Rights University of Vienna 🚩 Austria ⌛ 12 months 🕔 Full-time 🎓 Blended ▶ Apply by August 31, 2024 The one-year (60 ECTS Credits) postgraduate program 'Human Rights' of the University of Vienna has a clear jurisprudential profile. The master's program will ...
This master program was designed and developed by the University of London in cooperation with leading human rights activists to produce and empower new generations of human rights professionals. The program is intended for those who wish to develop or enhance their careers in a range of professiona...
Program overview Degree Other Study Level Masters Study Mode On Campus The Master's Degree University in Human Rights deepens in the foundation, dogmatic and history of the rights, its influence in the different sectors of Law and its increasing presence in the international field. Internation...
Program overview Main Subject International Relations/Studies/Affairs Degree MSc Study Level Masters Study Mode On Campus This is the only Human Rights and Diplomacy Masters course in the world taught in partnership with the leading training body of the United Nations: the United Nations Institu...
Related to Human right abuses:Basic human rights human rights pl.n. The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered to be entitled, often held to include the rights to life, liberty, equality, and a fair trial, freedom from slavery and torture, and freedom of thought and...
The head of the burgeoning human rights program at UC Davis, Watenpaugh fears a generation is being lost to the ongoing civil war in Syria that has displaced or made refugees of more than 12 million people. Keith David Watenpaugh, right, a professor and director of the UC Davis Human Rig...
The head of the burgeoning human rights program at UC Davis, Watenpaugh fears a generation is being lost to the ongoing civil war in Syria that has displaced or made refugees of more than 12 million people. Keith David Watenpaugh, right, a professor and director of the UC Davis Human Rig...
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Guiding Principles) in 2011, states have increasingly engaged with the need关键词: business and human rights inter-American Commission on Human Rights Extractives UN Guiding Principles ESCR Unit
Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed ...
Design, implement and evaluate public policy from the perspective of human rights and peace. Interpret and apply international human rights law. Manage and transform conflicts peacefully. Study plan The graduate program has a flexible curricular structure that allows students to enroll ...