Gloria González Fuster, Research Professor: on privacy, data protection and “the normal” human, who are they, how can we imagine them & give them rights in a meaningful way? – The Human Show Podcast 68 Sep 3, 2019 | Innovation through Social Science, Podcast Episode Gloria is a Rese...
This act prioritizes political alliances over human dignity and international justice, creating an alarming culture of impunity for war crimes and other egregious human rights violations. But the damage doesn’t stop there. The U.S. President’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organizatio...
We would like to thank all of our wonderful speakers, conference attendees, students and guests for making Mental Health 2024 a wonderful event! Conference Series hosted12thInternational Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience”,during June 13-14, 2024at Rome, Italybased on the theme “En...
This theme of our human rights strategy is a commitment to identifying gender equity issues in our operations and supply chain and working to mitigate and remediate these. Approximately190 million women work inglobal supplychains– in the factories, farms and packing houses that supply the world’...
Over the course of 75 years, from being excluded from the Western world to joining almost all universal intergovernmental organizations and over 600 international conventions; From rising to third place in voting rights at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to promoting the establishm...
In many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, mothers impacted by the genetic condition of albinism, whether as mothers of children with albinism or themselves with albinism, are disproportionately impacted by a constellation of health-related stigma, social determinants of health (SDH), and human rights vio...
Data Protection Officer. When accessing personal data, the public authority violates the fundamental rights of thousands of refugees. Our lawsuit was successful: the Federal Administrative Court declared the BAMF's practice unlawful [on 16 February 2023]’ (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte,Citation2024...
Center as well as the 2024 winner of the NAACP-Archewell Foundation Digital Civil Rights Award. Fortune magazine named her the “conscience of the AI revolution.” Time magazine names her to the inaugural list of 100 most influential people in AI. She holds two master’s degrees from O...
Again, these commitments are laudable; however we know that the normative and legal frameworks governing surveillance and human rights are highly contested and frequently violated. This means that adherence to these principles will require working with relevant NGOs (for example, the International Commit...
Now the ontology of representation (what precisely a representation is) has been a central theme of research in the science of semiotics. External representations can take a variety of forms and have been studied by many disciplines usually adopting semiotic approaches often rooted in the philosophy...