HARARE, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) has expressed concern over the prolonged industrial action by doctors and urged the government to ensure that an agreement is reached to ease the suffering of the sick. "ZHRC has taken note of and is concerned about ...
Zimbabwe claims human rights report not the work of African commission
We at Human Rights Watch, an independent organization that monitors and reports on human rights in more than 80 countries, write to you to express our concerns about the human rights situation in Zimbabwe and to request that you give priority to improving human rights during your presidency. We...
The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (the Forum) is a coalition of twenty-one human rights NGOs in Zimbabwe who while having their own objectives, are concerned with the level and nature of organized violence and torture in the country perpetrated mainly, though not exclusively, by state agents...
The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC), civil society organisations and other independent commissions have laid out possible initiatives to strengthen capacities and strategies to ensure human rights are upheld during this year’s electoral process. ...
HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST click now http://www.bushcommission.org/NEW* International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration -- Concluding Session was held Jan. 20-22 Not sure what year this was?
foreign nationals who have served their sentences in Zambia, as the case maybe," Mudford Mwandenga, chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, said during the release of the results of an investigation the panel conducted on detention and correctional facilities from August 2017 to early August ...
The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) has released a damning report exposing Zanu PF's abuse of school children during its political activities.ZHRC calle...
(SDGs), that largely, the sanctions on Zimbabwe has affected how she interacts and interfaces with the wider world via SDG 17 which speaks to partnerships to achieve the other 16 SDGs, and in the process how the same affect and impact the different rights, chief among them, the right to ...
Human Rights Watch will also focus on the role of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, which is charged with overseeing the 2018 election process. Thus far the commission has not demonstrated independence or impartiality. In May, Human Rights Watch interviewed victims of abuses and other community me...