December 10 is Human Rights Day. This year, the event focuses on the theme of Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All, marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At Givaudan, we’ve made an explicit commitment to respect human rights. This commitment is a ...
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia,April 29, 2019/PRNewswire/ -- "The rule of law and human rights are two sides of the same principle: the freedom to live in dignity"(United Nations). It is with dignity and with respect for the rule of law that the Asian Vision Insti...
dignityrights-based accountabilityBrazilSexual and reproductive health needs and rights are one of the bleakest examples of (racialised) gender health inequalities in Brazil. This is so despite legal and constitutional specificity recognising the right to health as right of citizenship. In this paper ...
respect for indigenous people’s rights. By requiring that all wood fiber must be certified according to FSC® or PEFC™ standards, we aim to ensure that the materials in our products are delivered with respect to people and nature.Learn more about how we work with responsible fiber ...
Business and Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization, but also eliminate any infringement or violation of human rights and clearly set out our commitment to fair and equal treatment and respect for workers while abiding by the relevant laws and regulations promulgated by the government...
1) We ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity. 2) We prohibit physical, sexual, psychological, verbal or other harm to employees. 3) Our terms of employment, including hiring, training, working conditions, remuneration, benefits, promotion, discipline, termination or retirem...
Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. This means that all businesses, regardless of where they operate, have a responsibility to respect human rights. The mining industry operates in regions where human rights abuses do occur, and companies have a responsibility to act in...
Respect for human rights is a cornerstone of the GS Yuasa Group’s business activities, and we are cognizant that preventing the occurrence of human rights violations in Group decision-making and activities is a key element of management. Moreover, we conduct business on a global scale, and fo...
We support and respect internationally recognized human rights wherever we operate. When national laws conflict with international human rights standards, we will adhere to national law, while seeking ways to honor and respect the principles of international human rights. ...
SAP is committed to respecting and advancing human rights across our operations, extended supply chain, and product lifecycle.