Human Rights Act (1998) UKAsylum SeekersHuman RightsHow we deal with asylum seekers is one of the tests of our civilisation. It is always more difficult and more controversial to take responsibility for looking after people who come from elsewhere and the issue often engenders irrational, ...
In the Commons on Monday Robert Jenrick, minister for immigration, said, in the context of a debate on the implications of the violent disorder outside a hotel providing refuge for asylum seekers, in Knowsley on 10 February, and in answer to a question about why no “small boats bill” ha...
The Bill supports the ‘Rwanda Policy’, by which asylum seekers will be deported to Rwanda to have their claims processed there. This, the government proposes, will deter migrants from travelling to the UK illegally through unsafe routes. Lord Jonathan Sumption, a former Supreme Court judge, sa...
The UK could withdraw from a human rights convention it has been part of for 70 years in order to force through its policies on asylum seekers if they are blocked by courts. Rishi Sunak wants to deport anyone who enters the UK illegally 4,000 miles away to Rwanda, but the plan has ...
This paper recommends that to protect these rights, states should take into account the gender-related ways in which female refugees and asylum seekers experience the deprivation of rights. Rape and other sexual violence, gender-specific manifestations of racial and ethnic prejudice, limitations on ...
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Worse still, in Tory eyes the Human Rights Act has unleashed the hitherto dependable British judges into all sorts of unacceptable behaviour on behalf of various minorities – prisoners; asylum-seekers, suspected terrorists – who in days gone by would not have got near the courts, much less ...
inhuman or degrading treatment that is prohibited under international law. According to a report on the website of The Guardian on 11 October 2021, between 2016 and 2021, U.S. border agents engaged in more than 160 cases of...
Asylum seekers, by their very circumstances, test our common assumptions and practice in relation to human rights. The treatment of asylum seekers in many European countries has become harsher, more restrictive and less tolerant in recent years, raising questions about the violation of their rights....
already reduced by half through executive orders from the number of refugees accepted in 2016, a limit of 45,000, to a new ceiling of “up to 30,000 refugees” beyond “processing more than 280,000 asylum seekers,” in line with the current 2018 count of barely over 20,900 by mid-Sep...