BACPAC Resources, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, 747 52nd Street, Oakland, California, 94609, USA Pieter J. de Jong Molekulare Genomanalyse, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Im Neuenheimer Feld 580, 69120, Heidelberg, Germany
b, Enhancer sequence classes near TSS were correlated with cell type-specific gene expression in the applicable tissue or cell types (Methods). The y axis shows the Spearman rank correlation between the proportion of each sequence class annotation within 10 kb of TSS and the tissue-specific ...
What if I had a professional development AI assistant that helped me think through questions like, “What type of job should I seek? What are the types of roles within my company? How do I think about them?” and “What classes would I take?” as opposed to waiting for ...
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center for Research Resources, the National Center for Advancing Translational Science or the National Institutes of Health....
The next evolutionary advance was the conversion of timbre-classes into pitch-classes and transition from timbre- to pitch-orientation. Ontogenetically, this transition usually occurs at the age of 3–5 years through the practice of “objectivization” of pitch values in music, when salient pitch...
Key resources table REAGENT or RESOURCESOURCEIDENTIFIER Antibodies mouse anti-MAP-2 Millipore Cat# AB5622; RRID: AB_91939 rabbit anti-GFAP Dako Cat# ZO33429-2; RRID: AB_10013482 APC-linked mouse anti-NeuN Novus Biologicals Cat# NBP1-92693APC; RRID: AB_2894834 AlexaFluor 555, goat anti-mou...
Key Resources Table REAGENT or RESOURCESOURCEIDENTIFIER Antibodies Anti-HA mouse monoclonal Biolegend Cat# 12B12, #MMS-101P; RRID: AB_2801249 Anti-KV2.1 rabbit polyclonal Alomone Cat# APC-012; RRID: AB_2040162 Anit-KV2.1 mouse monoclonal Abcam Cat# ab192761; RRID: AB_2750677 Anti-HA rabbit...
Throughout South African society, the systematic distribution of land and wealth along 'racial' lines and lack of access to resources for the majority of the population continued to increase. In 1994, the year suffrage was extended to everyone, South Africa had one of the highest per capita ...
and L.G. provided genetics data. M.R.-R. and L. Pasquali created software resources. I.C. and A.B. developed genome-editing methods. M.A.M.-R., P.F. and J.F. supervised analysis. I.M.-E., I.C., S.B.-G., J.P.-C., D.M.Y.R. and J.F. conceived the project. ...
Organisms that are amenable to experimental studies and for which rich genetic, genomic, phenotyping and analytical resources have been developed. Gene–gene interactions (GxG, also known as epistasis). The signal for GxGs is non-additivity where their combined action is more (or less) than the ...