This chapter addresses the fate of nutrients in agro-food systems after their ingestion by humans. Depending on how human urine and faeces are managed, they can become a source of pollution to the environment, or they can be used as a resource, notably a
PhD Thesis: Towards a model of human body perception 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: M Gandolfo 摘要: From just a glimpse of another person, we make inferences about their current states and longstanding traits. These inferences are normally spontaneous and effortless, yet they are ...
Jaeger: an accurate and fast deep-learning tool to detect bacteriophage sequences –Yasas Wijesekara – bioRxiv After three years of hard work, I’m thrilled to share the brainchild of my PhD project.Jaeger: a deep learning tool for identifying bacteriophage sequences in metagenomes! Empoweri...
especially because of the difficulty to envisage risk estimates. Indeed, scenarios of attacks are extremely different and may depend on many different factors, such as human population and carnivore densities, time of the day, human activities, personality and condition of the large carnivore, party...
PhD thesis, Univ. California Santa Cruz (2010). 49. Hyrenbach, K. D., Forney, K. A. & Dayton, P. Marine protected areas and ocean basin management. Aquat. Conserv. 10, 437–458 (2000). 8 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:2688 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3688 |
PhD thesis, Universite´ de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2009.Escobar MJ (2009) Bio-inspired models for motion estimation and analysis: Human action recognition and motion integration. PhD thesis, Universit´e de Nice Sophia-AntipolisEscobar, M.-J.: Bio-Inspired Models for Motion...
[] Ahmed SM: Exploring health-seeking behaviour of disadvantaged populations in rural Bangladesh. PhD Thesis. 2005, Karolinska Institutet University, Deptt. Of Public Health Sciences, [http://diss...
ResourceDevelopmenttoPacewithGlobalization submittedbymeinpartialfulfillmentofPhDdegreeindiscipline/departmentFaculty ofAdvancedIntegratedStudies&Researchismyoriginalwork,andhasnotbeen submittedorpublishedearlier.Ialsosolemnlydeclarethatitshallnot,infuture,be
PhD thesis, Penn. State Univ. (2007). Siepel, A. et al. Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes. Genome Res. 15, 1034–1050 (2005). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hinrichs, A.S. et al. The UCSC Genome Browser Database: upda...
B. An Automated Negotiation for Complex Multi-Agent Resource Allocation PhD Thesis University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2001) Google Scholar [2] B. An, N. Gatti, V. Lesser Extending alternating-offers bargaining in one-to-many and many-to-many settings Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/WIC/ACM In...