Human resource management - Sustainable employability management for organizationsdoi:SA TR ISO 30406:2019本技术报告的目的是为制定和实施可持续就业政策提供指导原则.
The human side of humanitarian supply chains: a research agenda and systematization framework Humanitarian logisticsRelief operationsSupply chain managementHuman resource managementResearch agendaLiterature reviewHumanitarian operations are increasingly receiving ... PDC Fiorini,CJC Jabbour,ABLDS Jabbour,... ...
Human resource is the main pillar for a company to realize the company's vision, mission, and goals. This research aimed to assess (evaluate) the programs and resource management system in Vouk Hotel & Suites Bali. The data sources used were primary and secondary data. The primary data sourc...
Explore absence management solutions Boost productivity with digital assistants, SMS, and social Allow staff to ask HR questions in their own words via text or speech and answer them without human intervention. Let staff submit help requests through multiple channels and track cases to closure. Explo...
Chatovat s prodejním oddělením HCM Úplné řešení pro personalistiku, které zlepšuje prostředí pro zaměstnance od okamžiku nástupu do zaměstnání až po odchod do důchodu (3:10) Společnost Gartner® jmenuje společnost Oracle špičkou v oblasti cloudovéh...
Karbouj B, Azar I, Krüger J (2024) Improvement human–robot Collaboration in Collaborative Assembly Processes: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Task Scheduling Approach. In: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing. Springer, pp 247–256 Ramasubramanian AK, Mathew R, Kelly...
Viruses are obligate intracellular pathogens that cause infection in susceptible host cells. Virus infections could be lytic, chronic, latent or immortalizing. Viruses causing latent infection are associated with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. T
y2j, …, ysj)Tis the output for each DMU. Moreover,v = (v1, v2, …, vm)Tis the weight of the input andu = (u1, u2, …, us)Tis the weight of the output. At the same time,v ∈ Em,u ∈ Esmake the efficiency evaluation index ofDMUj...
49. Skiadopoulos MH, Biacchesi S, Buchholz UJ, Riggs JM, Surman SR, Amaro- Carambot E, McAuliffe JM, Elkins WR, Claire MS, Collins PL, Murphy BR. The two major human metapneumovirus genetic lineages are highly related antigenically, and the fusion (F) protein is a major contributor ...
Kim UJ, Shizuya H, Sainz J, Garnes J, Pulst SM, de Jong P, Simon MI: Construction and utility of a human chromosome 22-specific Fosmid library. Genet Anal. 1995, 12: 81-84. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar NCBI Trace Server. [] Chimpanze...