ConferenceProceedingsCitationIndex Appliedresearchofhumanresourcemanagementtheoryin collegestudentmanagement FengqinLi (SchoolofEconomicsandManagement,YanchengInstituteofTechnology,Yancheng,Jiangsu,224051China) Abstract.Humanresourcemanagementistheactiveprocedureofplannedcontrolandcoordinationthatanorganizationtralns,selects and...
Applied research of human resource management theory in college student management 人力资源管理学生管理管理理论高校应用活动过程计划控制工作效率摘要:Fengqin LiSchool of;Economics and;Management,;Yancheng Institute;of Technology,;Yancheng,;Jiangsu,;224051 ChinaVIP国际技术管理...
近期,电子科技大学经济与管理学院陈扬教授团队在国际A类期刊Human Resource Management在线刊发了研究成果“How does Human Resource Management help service organizations to thrive in uncertainties and risks: Postcrisis as a context”。电子...
While the field of human resource management (HRM) has a long research tradition, the focus on sustainability has only gained momentum since the turn of the millennium. This bibliometric review examined key documents that inform scholarship in sustainable human resource management (S-HRM). The revie...
As an applied field of management, human resource management (HRM) scholars strive to impact practice, which is still considered a major challenge. This paper focuses on how academic work can be meaningfully integrated with modern HRM practice by showing how rigorous academic work can successfully ...
BMAN10970管理与组织研究导论(Introduction to Management and Organisation Studies) 第二年: BMAN10901管理背景下的法律(Law in a Management Context) BMAN24271全球化与就业(Globalization & Employment) BMAN24332雇佣关系和人力资源管理(Employment Relations and Human Resource Management) ...
The publisher (Human Resource Management Academic Research Society) will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. The authors are responsible for clarifying the copyrights of the various information contained in the articles. Moreover, this society is providing a pl...
Our enthusiastic and committed Finance group conducts research on the social, economic, and organisational aspects of financial reporting, corporate finance and governance, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, banking, risk management, accountability and governance. The group has a particular fo...
First it conceptualizes a framework, and then proceeds to examine the existing [human resource management] HRM system of deploying non-regular workers in the Japanese workplace. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive base of literature on 'HRM of non-regular workers...
This paper studies the impact of advanced manufacturing technology(AMT) on the organizational structure and human resource management,for which new models suitable for AMT are presented.The proposed organizational model focuses primarily on the impact of AMT on organizational structure,organizational culture...