Human Resource Machine is a puzzle game for nerds. In each level, your boss gives you a job. Automate it by programming your little office worker. If you succeed, you'll be promoted up to the next level for another year of work in the vast office building. Congratulations!
Human Resource Machine 《程序员升职记》是一款送给玩家们的智力游戏。 在每一层,老板都会派给你一份工作。你可以通过编写小程序自动把工作搞定!一旦你成功了,恭喜!你升职了!《程序员升职记》由《粘粘世界(World of Goo)》的设计师和 《小小炼狱(Little Inferno)》的制作团队倾情奉献。祝你玩得开心!HR的眼睛...
《Human Resource Machine》是一款給程式狂的解謎遊戲。在每個關卡中,你的老闆會給你一項工作。而你得藉由為小工人編寫程式,以自動化的方式將這項任務完成。如果你成功了,你會晉升到下一個關卡,在這棟巨大的辦公大樓度過下一年的時光。恭喜! 如果你從沒有寫過程式,也別擔心!寫程式不過就是解謎而已。如果你對於...
Human Resource Machine is a puzzle game for nerds. In each level, your boss gives you a job. Automate it by programming your little office worker. If you succeed, you'll be promoted up to the next level for another year of work in the vast office building. Congratulations! Don't worry...
Gameplayopen_in_newReviewsopen_in_new timerPlaytime Main Story4h 18mMain + Extra7h 29mCompletionist9h 52m globeOther regions 设定→ 登录以查看其他地区价格 游戏介绍 Program little office workers to solve puzzles. Be a good employee!
Human Resource Machine First ReleasedOct 15, 2015 Android iOS (iPhone/iPad) + 5 more Developed by: Tomorrow Corporation Experimental Gameplay Group Published by: Tomorrow Corporation Experimental Gameplay Group Flyhigh Works Genre(s): Puzzle
Human Resource Machine 开发:Experimental Gameplay Group | 网络:单机 | 类型:益智休闲 无 1320° 0 00 游民指数 0.0 0.0 玩家评分(0票) 安卓下载IOS下载 语言:中文版 大小:68.70 MB 版本:1.0.6 系统:iOS 8.0 上市:2016-06-02 iOS下载 游戏截图 ...
Human Resource Machine is an amazing and fun game for those who enjoy logical challenges. The mechanics are simple, but the puzzles get increasingly complex, making you think hard. The game combines programming logic with a fun narrative, where you'll "program" your employees to solve ever mor...
《Human Resource Machine》 《Human Resource Machine》是一款送给宅男们的解谜游戏。在每一层,老板都会派给你一份工作。你需要做的,只是写一段小程序,让你手下的小小上班族们自动把这份工作搞定。一旦你成功了,你便能荣获升职,赢取在这栋广大的办公室大楼中荣登新高,再做一年苦力的权利。
Human Resource Machine by Experimental Gameplay Group 编程白痴表示这个游戏好好玩QuQ 不知道程序员玩这个是不是秒秒钟通关 ps. 好喜欢Joachim Trier导的电影啊啊啊啊 可惜资源好少