The anthropogenic activities don't only affect the presence and absence of species, but also influence on the dominance status of species in the investigated stations. El-Rowayseaa and El-Dagal were unaffected stations showing more abundance and diversification than El-Gharkana and El-Monkateaa ...
Here, we emphasise the importance of soil biodiversity and its functioning in urban environments, with a focus on its links with human health. We first provide an overview of soil biodiversity in urban ecosystems. We then highlight why soil biodiversity is key for human health in urban ecosystem...
Whereas most work to understand impacts of humans on biodiversity on coastal areas has focused on large, conspicuous organisms, we highlight effects of tourist access on the diversity of microscopic marine animals (meiofauna). We used a DNA metabarcoding
majorhabitats(mangroveandrocky shore)werechosendependingonanthropogenicactivities.Atotalof112macro-benthostaxawere recordedinNabqdominatedwithPlanaxissalcatus,Neritaspp.,BarbatiatrapezinaandOphiocoma scolopendrina.Theanthropogenicactivitiesdon’tonlyaffectthepresenceandabsenceofspecies,butalso influenceonthe...
The presence of these gases in the lower part of atmosphere has contributed to the rapid increase in global average temperature. And it takes progressive part in climate change. This Climate change is expected to increase average temperatures as well as the number and intensity of heat-waves. ...
The world population is expected to increase greatly this century, aggravating current problems related to climate, health, food security, biodiversity, energy and other vital resources. Population growth depends strongly on total fertility rate (TFR), b
Shifts in aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity associated with the presence and size of an alien crayfish To investigate the effects of Procambarus clarkii on macroinvertebrate diversity, we conducted a mesocosm experiment simulating small pools in rice field p... AM Correia,PM Anastácio - 《Ecological...
The dominant presence of both HRV-A and C concurs with global epidemiologic studies in other parts of the world. There were also some differences between the demographic variables, clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of HRV, RSV and IFV-A infections and within the HRV species. However...
(gDNA) was isolated from control and hAd-PSC transplanted testes and interrogated for the presence of human-specific gDNA (HUMSAT17A), no human gDNA was detected either in EM or in DIM hAd-PSC transplanted testes (Fig.2C). While we cannot rule out a transient transformation of hAd-PSCs...
Wildlife translocations are increasingly used to combat declining biodiversity worldwide. Successful translocation often hinges on coexistence between humans and wildlife, yet not all translocation efforts explicitly include human dimensions (e.g., econo