Population, in human biology, the whole number of inhabitants occupying an area (such as a country or the world) and continually being modified by increases (births and immigrations) and losses (deaths and emigrations). As with any biological population, the size of a human population is limi...
Activists are celebrating the inclusion of measures in the 2025 National Defence Authorisation Act (the annual US defence spending bill) to address the oppression of the Uyghur Muslim population in China’s Xinjiang region, which the US has labelled genocide. The bill was signed into law by Presi...
Capitalism, Short-Termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet—A Report to the Club of Rome (New York: Springer Nature, 2017), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7419-1. 6 John Thackara, How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow’s World Today (London: ...
associated with mutational rate, the trends peak in the DL and SV bins, leading to the counter-intuitive observation that CL genes are less constrained against variation than DL genes; however, the differences between these two categories are non-significant for the different constraint scores evalua...
Discussion Dendritic cells are the most potent antigen-presenting cells with heterogeneous population of myeloid cells that express a wide variety of pattern recognition and lectin receptors. These cells are responsible for cross-talk between innate and adaptive immune responses44,53. Since their ...
received gesturing. There were no significant differences across groups or species in the rates of gestures common to both species, whether infant produced or received. The most unexpected finding, however, was in the species difference in the behavior of Holding Mutual Gaze. Counter to ...
A musical genre can be considered “basic” if it cannot encompass another genre and is directly used by the majority of population within a music culture in folk transmission (Korobova, 2007; Lobanova, 2013; Nazaikinsky, 2013; Tsukkerman, 1964). Genres that “house” smaller genres (e.g...
1). The genomes of cells after growth and drug treatment should be the same as those of the control cells since they were based on the same initial population of transfected cells. Therefore, we do not expect that depletion or enrichment of insertions to be caused by the copy number ...
The structured-population model has been widely used to study the spatial transmission of epidemics in human society. Many seminal works have demonstrated the impact of human mobility on the epidemic threshold, assuming that the contact pattern of individuals is mixing homogeneously. Inspired by the ...
c, Confocal immunofluorescence image of OCT4 (yellow) and aPKC (gray) in control (top) and vitrified-thawed human blastoid (bottom) cultured on Matrigel-coated plate for 2 d, counterstained with phalloidin marking F-actin (cyan). Arrows point to the pro-amniotic-like cavity. Scale bar, ...