The deep population history of East Asia remains poorly understood owing to a lack of ancient DNA data and sparse sampling of present-day people1,2. Here we report genome-wide data from 166 East Asian individuals dating to between 6000 bc and a
Prolonging human life has increased the size of the human population. Many people alive today would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago. Because more people live longer there are more people around at any given time. In fact it is a decrease in death rates...
Applicability of Determination of Gender from Odontometric Measurements of Canine Teeth in a Sample of Adult Egyptian Population All stone casts were cut by cylindrical diamond bur at the areas of the lateral incisors and the first premolars. The proximal surfaces of the canine teeth... A Omar,...
et al. Turkey during the 2nd millennium BC: Integration of isotopic and genomic evidence. PLoS One 16(6), e0241883 (2021). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Kılınç, G. M. et al. Human population dynamics and Yersinia pestis in ancient northeast Asia. Sci Adv ...
(1) the largest effective population size, (2) the highest allelic richness, (3) the greatest richness of private alleles, (4) while being the largest source of migrants to the rest of the world, compared to any other population (Linde et al.2009, Fig.4). The Near Eastern populations ...
IMPACT OF GANEDENBC30 (BACILLUS COAGULANS GBI-30, 6086) ON POPULATION DYNAMICS OF THE HUMAN GUT MICROBIOTA IN A CONTINUOUS CULTURE FERMENTATION ... 2011. Impact of GanedenBC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) on population dynamics of the human gut microbiota in a continuous culture fermentat...
Past climatic change influenced broader socio-environmental systems, in some cases acting as a driver of population collapse, large-scale abandonment, migration, and socio-political upheaval. These deep time data illustrate the importance of understanding Pleistocene-Holocene human-environmental interactions,...
population of sEVs [19].bParticle-size distribution of SS-hAFSC sEVs.n = 25. Red lines represent SEM.cLevels of tetraspanin exosome-specific markers CD9, CD63, and CD81.n = 6.dDot blots for CD63 and CD81 and ACTN4 (alpha-actinin-4—medium/large EV-specific marker).eTEM...
If validated, H4 would bring strong support to the notion that the development of an UP like assemblage such as the Châtelperronian associated to Neanderthal makers at the time of the transition resulted from cultural diffusion or acculturation processes with possible population admixture between the...
who do not produce their own food but are supported by the rest of the population due to the productive nature of the resource base (Johnson and Earle, 2000; Mayshar et al., 2015). Both the duration (Diamond, 1997; Morris, 2013) and productivity (Johnson and Earle, 2000; Nielsen, ...