Since the early days of the genome era, the scientific community has relied on a single ‘reference’ genome for each species, which is used as the basis for a wide range of genetic analyses, including studies of variation within and across species. As sequencing costs have dropped, thousands...
L. Pan-genomics in the human genome era. Nat. Rev. Genet. 21, 243–254 (2020). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Rhie, A. et al. Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature 592, 737–746 (2021). Article CAS ADS PubMed PubMed...
Dr. Eimear Kenny has significantly contributed to the creation of an inclusive human pangenome reference, led by the international Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. The reference currently includes genomes of 47 people, aiming to reach 350 by 2024. This endeavor seeks to represent human genetic ...
completeness, contamination, coverage (on a log10 scale), and L50 values, respectively.EPhylogenomic tree of the 196 bacterial species (assigned by GTDB) represented in the bladder genome collection. A single genome per species was selected out of the 1134 high-quality isolated genomes ...
Human Pangenome Reference Consortium - HG002 Data Freeze (v1.0) - tongwang666/HG002_Data_Freeze_v1.0
(Qiagen, Cat. No. 28,104). For library preparation, the purified transposed DNA was first used for partial PCR amplified for 5 cycles with Nextera PCR Primer 1 and Primer 2, using Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity 2X PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs, Cat. No. M0494S). A fraction of ...
Plant sciences are entering the postgenomic era, moving fast from initially providing a single reference genome for each species (genomics), to harnessing the extent of diversity within crop species (pangenomics) and among their relatives (referred to as postgenomics). This paper describes the ...
Astheseconddimensiontothegenome,theepigenomecontainskeyinformationspecifictoevery typeofcells.Thousandsofhumanepigenomemapshavebeenproducedinrecentyearsthanksto rapiddevelopmentofhighthroughputepigenomemappingtechnologies.Inthisreview,wediscuss thecurrentepigenomemappingtoolkitandutilitiesofepigenomemaps.Wefocusparticularlyon...
A persistent infection with HR-HPV is the main determinant for cervical cancer development; where the accumulation of damaged DNA, probably due to the interactions of E7 and E6 with their cellular targets, leads to genomic instability and, in most cases, to the integration of the viral genome ...
A new era of therapeutics is in perspective in which probiotics and their purified molecules will be employed as a wise, safe alternative to medication and other treatments to control health imbalance and diseases in humans and animals [10]. In this manner, several studies have reported the role...