1. Detecting and Recognizing Human-Object Interactions 1.1 总述 中心思想是以人为中心。假设是一个人的外表信息(姿态、衣服、动作等)是确定与他们交互的物体的有力线索(人的外表信息对于定位参与交互的物体可能处于何处是很有帮助的,根据此可以进一步缩小参与交互的目标物体的搜索空间)。为了利用这个线索,本文的模型...
6. Action-Guided Attention Mining and Relation Reasoning Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection 6.1 总述 现有大多数方法通过考虑多流信息甚至引入额外的知识来解决HOI问题,但存在着巨大的组合空间和非交互对控制的问题(常规的两两组合产生了大量的人物对proposal)。本文以此出发提出一种行动导向的注意力挖掘...
As robots have become more pervasive in our daily life, natural human-robot interaction (HRI) has had a positive impact on the development of robotics. Thus, there has been growing interest in the development of vision-based hand gesture recognition for HRI to bridge human-robot barriers. The...
Designers need to understand and discuss the aspects of function that can lead to barriers in interaction. It can be challenging to communicate the aspects of function learned from the people with whom you're working when designing. By categorizing and describing human diversity factors, we can ...
Human-Object Interaction(HOI)检测是识别图像中“人-物-交互”的任务,涉及到:1)交互作用中的主体(人)和目标(对象)的定位;2)以及交互标签的分类。 大多数现有的方法都通过检测人和对象实例,然后单独推断检测到的每一对实例的关系来间接解决这个任务。
论文笔记之Learning Human-Object Interaction Detection using Interaction Points 人与物体之间的相互作用是视觉分类的基本问题之一,也是实现详细场景理解的重要步骤。人与物体之间的交互(HOI)检测力求既定位人与物体,又确定它们之间的复杂交互。大多数现有的HOI检测方法都是以实例为中心的,其中基于外观特征和粗糙的空间信息...
Codes are built uponVisual Compositional Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection,iCAN: Instance-Centric Attention Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection,Transferable Interactiveness Network,tf-faster-rcnn. Releases No releases published
As a part of HAKE project (HAKE-3D). Code for our CVPR2020 paper "Detailed 2D-3D Joint Representation for Human-Object Interaction". - DirtyHarryLYL/DJ-RN
(2014). Discriminative orderlet mining for real-time recognition of human-object interaction. In: ACCV. Yu, T., Ren, Z., Li, Y., Yan, E., Xu, N., & Yuan, J. (2019). Temporal structure mining for weakly supervised action detection. In: ICCV. Yu, T.H., Kim, T.K., & ...
"Transferable Interactiveness Knowledge for Human-Object Interaction Detection"(CVPR 2019)[5] 图7:经过过滤后,HOI图变得稀疏了 最近的HOI以及VRD工作还有一个研究方向就是关系存在性的判别。因为检测模型生成的检测框的proposal多的十几甚至几十个,配对之后的proposal pair显然更多,直接把它们都进行关系判别显然是有...