The Human Eye (Eyeball) Diagram, Parts and Pictures. The human eye consists of the eyeball, optic nerve, orbit and appendages (eyelids, extraocular muscles and lacrimal glands). While the eyeball is the actual sensory organ, the other parts of of the eye are equally important in maintaining ...
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. nervous system - the sensory and control apparatus consisting of a network of nerve cells systema nervosum body, organi...
of the eye is covered by special light-sensing cells that are collectively called the retina. It converts light into electrical impulses. Behind the eye, your optic nerve carries these impulses to thebrain. The macula is a small extra-sensitive area in the retina that gives you central vision...
The Nerve Cell Diagram of a Neuron – With theAxonandDendritesprojecting from the Cell Body ©Biology Online Each neuron consists of a nucleus situated in the cell body, where outgrowths called processes originate from. The main one of these processes is the axon, which is responsible for ca...
The main parts of the human eye are : Cornea, Iris, Pupil, Ciliary muscles, Eye lens (which is a flexible convex lens), Retina and Optic nerve. All these parts of the eye are shown in the simplified diagram of human eye given in Figure. We will now describe the construction and ...
TROCHLEAR NERVE PALSYThe resolving power in monocular, foveal vision was found to depend on the size of a white light source made of two white rectangles separated by vertical black bar. The question arises whether the wavelength of light influences this dependence. An experiment was done on ...
+Scheme of general arrangement of autonomic nervous system +The bones of the foot +Paralysis of the facial nerve +Median sagittal section of male pelvis +Diagram showing structure of testis +Median sagittal section of female pelvis +The skeleton. Anterior aspect +The mamma +Diagram of the sagitta...
Accordingly, there must be some pre-processing before the image is transmitted down the optic nerve. The human vision system can be modelled in three parts: 1. the eye − this is a physical model since much of its function can be determined by pathology; 2. a processing system − ...
Obturator Nerve (9-3): 4 Structure of neuron: (8-2) 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(144) Nervous system function: (8-1) 1) collect info: monitor external and internal changed 2) Process and evaluate info: processes sensory input and determines responses 3) Respond to information: dictates ...
FIG. 1 shows the circuit diagram for a system1for the transcutaneous stimulation of a nerve. In particular, the auricular area of the vagus nerve is stimulated in order to influence psychovegetative parameters. This allows physical and mental stress to be removed, for example, or depression or...