Human Molecular Genetics concentrates on full-length research papers covering a wide range of topics in all aspects of human molecular genetics. These include: the molecular basis of human genetic disease developmental genetics cancer genetics neurogenetics chromosome and genome structure and function therap...
Department of Molecular Genetics and the Crown Human Genome Center, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel 1.World, T H E LipidCatalyticinformational, FromTo, HeadgroupsNucleic, WithoutArren, AcidsShenhav, BarakLancet, R A N Kafridoron...
In subject area:Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology As an example, The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) defines the human microbiome as the collection of all the microorganisms, including eukaryotes, archaea, bacteria, and viruses, living in association with the human body. ...
Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pathology, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Health Sciences Campus, Anzio Rd, Observatory, 7925, South Africa Ambroise Wonkam & Emile R. Chimusa West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, Un...
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA Bei Wei Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Fangjie Zhu & Jussi Taipale Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany Katja Lidschreib...
via the germline. Embryonic stem cells have also been useful tools for understanding molecular events controlling differentiation into the earlygerm layersand more distal branches of the developmentaltree. Over the last 15 years an increasing number of groups have become interested in the use of ...
Subsequently, the distribution of sex, tumor stage, and location, family history of CRC, smoking status, and tumor molecular characteristics (MMR, MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS2, HER2, and BRAF status) across these age groups was examined using the chi-square test. The Fisher test was employed if...
A principal goal of genetic research is to identify specific genotypes that are associated with human phenotypes. It will soon be possible to conduct genome-wide genotyping on a massive scale. Our current approaches for defining and assaying phenotypes m
Institute of Human Biology (IHB), Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland Umut Kilik & J. Gray Camp University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland Umut Kilik & J. Gray Camp Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University School ...
While classical human astroviruses (HAstV) are a well-recognized cause of acute non-bacterial diarrhea among young children worldwide, novel astroviruses, named HAstV-MLB and HAstV-VA/HMO, have been identified recently in humans by molecular assays. They are phylogenetically more related to ...