The pie chart colors at each node indicate occurrence of the node in cancer types of the corresponding colors. Green borders, nuclear genes; blue borders, mitochondrial genes. Node size is proportional to the number of direct neighbors (connectivity) of the node. Thickness of the edge is ...
Treatment with forced diuresis, bisphosphonates, and calcitonin normalized serum calcium and kidney function recovered. Conclusion: Hypercalcemia due to IRIS is a rare differential diagnosis in persons living with HIV and may lead to acute kidney damage, despite sufficient ART and antimycobacterial ...
The earliest studies of pigmentation examined Mendelian inheritance, identifying genes of high penetrance. Mutations that eliminate melanin synthesis, causing the dilution of mouse coat colors, the human oculocutaneous albinisms (OCA1-4) [13] and related syndromic disorders of broader effect such as H...
We recorded LFPs via macro-contacts and discovered that RF sizes estimated from low-frequency activity (LFA, 0.5–30 Hz) were larger than those estimated from low-gamma activity (LGA, 30–60 Hz) and high-gamma activity (HGA, 60–150 Hz). We then took a rare opportunity to ...
Cranial Neural Crest Cells (CNCC) originate at the cephalic region from forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, migrate into the developing craniofacial region, and subsequently differentiate into multiple cell types. The entire specification, delamination, m
Opponent coding of sound location (azimuth) in planum temporale is robust to sound-level variations Cerebral Cortex, 26 (1) (2016), pp. 450-464 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [32] M. Ortiz-Rios, F.A. Azevedo, P. Kuśmierek, D.Z. Balla, M.H. Munk, G.A. Keliris, N.K....
Because human milk metabolites influence infant gut microbial composition, and gut microbial dysbiosis has been linked to future overweight [11,12], geographic variations in small milk molecules can conceivably predict regional differences in infant gut microbial development, infant growth, and future ...
The prominent, primarily identifiable visible colors are related to a person’s eyes, hair, and skin. One of the tools designed to predict these three phenotypes is the HIrisPlex-S system, which combines prediction models for eye, hair, and skin color [51,56]. The IrisPlex eye color ...
All together, thumb and lower palm domain motions lead to a rotation of each subunit around the scaffold formed by the knuckle and upper palm domains [50] that induces a translation of TM1 and TM2 leading to the expansion of extracellular fenestrations and to an iris-like opening of the ...