Cutoff values commonly used in the United States on the basis of the 5th percentile of height-for-age to define shortness, the 5th percentile of weight-for-height of weight-for-age to define underweight, and the 95th percentile of weight-for-height or body mass index-for-age to definte...
Black ticks show median, and bars indicate the twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile range. Genes more prone to escaping inactivation have lower promoter mCG, higher gene body mCH, higher gene body mCG and higher promoter mCH in females. b–e, Discrimi- nability analysis using gender-...
Transcription factors (TFs) control specificity and activity of gene transcription, but whether a relationship between these two features exists is unclear. Here we provide evidence for an evolutionary trade-off between the activity and specificity in human TFs encoded as submaximal dispersion of aromati...
The WHO growth chart describes children from birth to five years raised under optimal environmental conditions. The normal range is expressed as a Z score between -2.0 and +2.0, corresponding to 2 and 98 percentiles. Z-scores are the number of Standard deviations from the mean. The WHO growth...
While discovery in increasingly prevalent HF subtypes with clinical morbidity (like the preserved ejection fraction) are emerging,86 parsing the cause of HF in epidemiologic cohorts (either via administrative codes in the UK Biobank or via chart review in the FHS) is fraught, given incomplete data...
On average, approximately 500 bp of PATZ1 binding peaks distributed in a 50-percentile position of summits surrounding the PATZ1 motif (Supplementary Fig. 4C). Top three significant enriched motifs were selected in accordance with E scores (Fig. 2E). Motif 1 consisted of cytosine-rich (C-...
Box plot illustrating the median, minimum, and maximum as well as 25–75 percentile ranges of student test scores for the written, practical, and oral exams for each treatment (natural skull and wooden skull). 4.1. Practical Significance This wooden skull model shall serve as a starting point...
The Apgar score was 10 out of 10 at one minute after birth, and his body weight was 3400 g (50–75th percentile), height was 50 cm (50–75th percentile), and head circumference (HC) was 38.5 cm (>97th percentile) (Figure 1b,c). During his development, delayed speech and...
Statistical methods for transcriptomic experiments using two-tailed statistics and correction for multiple testing are reported above. Data distributions were plotted as box-plots representing the 25th percentile (1Q), the median, and 75th percentile (3Q), with whiskers extending from the 1Q to the...
Interquartile range (25th-75th Percentile) 5th-95th Percentile 10th-90th Percentile Shape of Histogram Skewness Kurtosis Peak Frequency over time Ratio of Second and Third Harmonics of Peak Frequency Percentage of Valid Data (Valid Physiologically Plausible Data) Autocorrelation of the individual signals...