Download 3D ModelAdd toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 368.5k Vertices: 184.3kMore model information human heart. License: CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution Learn more Published 4 months ago Nov 13th 2024 People 3D Models heart survival needed bloodcell lifeline bloodpump Wiggles_Worms liked this...
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This is a fixed human heart that was donated for research. The donor was a 23 year-old female with a history of type I diabetes, hypertension, seizures, and renal failure. The heart was filled with shaving cream to dilate the chambers prior to scanning.
HETEROGENEITY OF β-TYPE MYOSIN ISOZYMES IN HUMAN HEART : REGULATIONAL MECHANISMS IN THEIR EXPRESSION : Cardiac Metabolism : FREE COMMUNICATIONS (II) : PRO... To investigate the existence of heterogeneity of j-type myosin isozymes (HC,6) in human hearts, immunohistochemical studies using monoclonal...
The antiapoptotic function ofα-crystallin may also be important in other tissues. In the ischemic heart, phosphorylatedαB-crystallin is translocated to mitochondria where it stabilizes mitochondrial membrane potential and inhibits apoptosis.58α-Crystallin has been shown to protect cancer cells from apop...
But inspiration finally struck, and he decided to take blogging seriously. In The James Altucher Blog, he discusses his past experiences and then ends with advice on how to deal with a similar situation. The blog's heart revolves around choosing yourself and your happiness in every decision you...
Canine diets that use high amounts of peas as a source of protein have been linked to the potential development of heart issues.1 3. Celery Many people claim that celery is nutritionally useless—but it is high in fiber and safe for your dog to eat. 4. Cucumbers Not every dog will ...
Mhrt functions in the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy including hypertrophy and heart failure15. A highly conserved lncRNA NORAD functions in maintaining genome stability by sequestering PUMILIO proteins16. Despite these notable examples, the function of most lncRNAs remains unknown, and it has been ...
Having observed an enrichment of DMPs on enhancers, we analyzed the association between DMPs and enhancers across different tissue types (including liver, heart, and lung) using the Roadmap Epigenomics ChromHMM annotations41. We found that kidney fibrosis-associated DMPs were enriched in kidney enhanc...