the human heart, a physical organ, a symbol of deep feelings, passions and emotions, beats in the rhythm of life, filling with living strength and energy, the source of love, compassion and strength, anatomy of the heart, the engine of our body, vitality License: CC AttributionCreative Comm...
This is a fixed human heart that was donated for research. The donor was a 62 year-old male with a history of obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), aortic sclerosis, and type II Diabetes. This heart was treated with a spray to facilitate scanning
heart_stand_mat.obj 标签 3danatomyaortaarteriesatriumbloodbodycardiovascularcirculatoryhearthumanmedicalorgansRealisticsystemvalveveinventriclevray 描述 Realistic human heart. Textured and ready for render. Nov 12, 2021添加日期 Jan 03, 2022最后更新
Heart Dmitro2009 Heart stockfootagevideo Heart AdemAtalar Beating Heart Abdelrahman_El-masry Heart Draw 02lab 1 2 3 4 5 How satisfied are you with your stock video experience today?Send me tips, trends, freebies, updates & offers. Unsubscribe any time. Privacy Policy. DiscoverAbout EnvatoOur...
3D printable model of anatomic Human Heart without texture. The model is good for education purposes. The human heart is an organ that provides a continuous blood circulation through the cardiac cycle and is a vital organ in the human body. The heart is divided into four main chambers: the ...
A team from Carnegie Mellon University in the US has succeeded in printing a 3D model of a human heart which looks and feels like real cardiac tissue, using a material derived from seaweed. In the short term, the Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogels (FRESH) technique aims to...
Organoid models of early tissue development have been produced for the intestine, brain, kidney and other organs, but similar approaches for the heart have been lacking. Here we generate complex, highly structured, three-dimensional heart-forming organoi
3D-ModelAnimationInteractive 3D-Computer GraphicsTwo-dimensional echocardiography has become an indispensable tool of the modern cardiologist. It is noninvasive and delivers cross sections of the heart throughout the cardiac cycle, displaying the mo...
Free 3D anatomy mobile app for iOS and Android. The only application that includes interactive 3D anatomy, physiology, conditions, and treatments.
Congenital heart defects constitute the most common human birth defect, however understanding of how these disorders originate is limited by our ability to model the human heart accurately in vitro. Here we report a method to generate developmentally relevant human heart organoids by self-assembly usi...