Natural, geographical barriers have historically limited the spread of communicable diseases. This is no longer the case in today’s interconnected world, paired with its unprecedented environmental and climate change, emphasising the intersection of evolutionary biology, epidemiology and geography (i.e. ...
The Rise of Power and the Evolution of Human Geography in the Slave Trade in Madagascardoi:10.1007/978-981-97-2835-0_4Being one part of the African slave trade, the slave trade in Madagascar is similar to that of the Transatlantic area. Both are destructive commercial activities that cause ...
To correlate the admixture patterns with geography, we calculated two distance matrices between all reference populations based on their mean admixture fractions (GEN) and their mean geographic distances (GEO) from each other. Using these distance matrices, we calculated the relationship between GEN ...
The Evolution of Threats to Protected Areas During Crises: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Madagascar Leo van Versendaal Udo Schickhoff OriginalPaper Open access 15 February 2025 Whose Knowledge Counts? Unpacking the Uneven Geographies and Politics of Knowledge Co-Production in IPBES Vivia...
What is the median age of the world population? The median age of the people living on our planet in 2022 is 31 years. Which continent has the youngest population? The countries with the youngest population are found in Africa. Almost half of Niger’s population is under 15 years of age...
Both classic and applied social sciences are used to study a diverse set of social phenomena, social processes, or individual attributes (Fig. 1). The classic social science disciplines include sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, economics, history, and psychology. Applied social sc...
Prevalence and risk distribution of schistosomiasis among adults in Madagascar: a cross-sectional study Sarah Katharina Gruninger, Tahinamandranto Rasamoelina… Article:44 Download PDF (1870KB) View Article Editorial Geography and health: role of human translocation and access to care Norbert ...
All metagenomic samples are available at NCBI SRA ( with accession numbers in supplementary tables: 25,133 human microbiome samples (Supplementary Table 8), Tanzania (Supplementary Table 9), North America (Supplementary Table 10), Madagascar (Supplementary Table ...
Madagascar defiant: conservationists have long proclaimed the economic value of biodiversity and the services it provides. The point may be proved in Madag... Conservationists have long proclaimed the economic value of biodiversity and the services it provides. The point may be proved in Madagascar,...
Complete mitochondrial DNA sequences provide new insights into the Polynesian motif and the peopling of Madagascar. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010;18:575–81. 83. Gonçalves VF, Stenderup J, Rodrigues-Carvalho C, Silva HP, Gonçalves-Dornelas H, Líryo A, et al. Identification of Polynesian mtDNA...