correction was applied as previously described. Availability of data and materials Many of the blood data analysed in TwinsUK is available through GEO GSE62992 and GSE121633 for methylation and EGA EGAD00001001088 for gene expression. Additional TwinsUK individual-level data are not permitted to be ...
We next turned to recently published genome sequencing data in isolated orofacial clefting trios126. This study reported only three genes (TFAP2A,IRF6, andZFHX4) that had enough de novo mutations (DNMs), either protein-altering or loss-of-function, across probands to rise above conservative m...
while human A431 particles were slightly larger than their HepG2 counterparts [μA431 = 238.6 ± 3.4 nm; μHepG2 = 219.3 ± 3.2 nm;P = 0.002, t-test]. Most notably, the mean diameters of human particles were significantly larger than those ofDrosophila...
APOBover-expression, among other genes (Additional file1: Fig. S2B) involved in lipid and phase III metabolism (Fig.1C). Lastly, subgroup IV was characterized by the loss of gene expression, which was 11-fold reduced compared to subgroup I (Fig.1D, “Methods”). The instability of PHHs... Weigelt B, Hu Z, He X, Livasy C, Carey LA, Ewend MG, Glas AM, Perou CM, Van't Veer LJ: Molecular portraits and 70-gene prognosis signature are preserved throughout the metastatic process of breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2005, 65 (20): 9155...
The accession number for the microarray, ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq data reported in this paper is GEO: GSE67823. Supplemental Information Download: Download Acrobat PDF file (24MB) Document S1. Supplemental Experimental Procedures, Figures S1–S4, and Table S4. Download: Download spreadsheet (53KB...
All data have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE17579 17579. Among expressed transcripts, 4254 probe sets (25.3%) were identified as variable...
Jakovljević D (2015) Geoekološke determinante zaštite i revitalizacije tekućih voda u funkciji održivog razvoja AP Vojvodine (Geoecological determinants of the protection and revitalization of water courses in the terms of the sustainable development of AP Vojvodina) (Unpublished Doctor...
Cardiogenesis relies on the precise spatiotemporal coordination of multiple progenitor populations. Understanding the specification and differentiation of these distinct progenitor pools during human embryonic development is crucial for advancing our kno
The ChIP-seq and single cell transcriptomics data generated in this study have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus database ( under accession codes GSE118946, GSE167052, and GSE205342. NANOG ChIP-seq data were downloaded from the database GSM28166...